Sunday, April 5, 2009

203 - UPSC 2007 medical entrance mcqs with answers part 13

61. Steering wheel injury on chest of a young man reveals multiple fractures of ribs and paradoxical movement with severe respiratory distress. X-ray shows pulmonary contusion on right side without pneumothorax or haemothorax. What is the initial treatment of choice?

(a) Immediate internal fixation
(b) Endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation
(c) Thoracic epidural analgesia and second degree therapy
(d) Stabilization with towel clips

62. Which one of the following gastrointestinal disorders predisposes to urolithiasis?

(a) Peutz-Jeghers’ syndrome
(b) Short bowel syndrome
(c) Familial polyposis coli
(d) Ulcerative colitis

63. Amaurotic cat's eye reflex is typical of

(a) Papilloedema
(b) Papillitis
(c) Retinoblastoma
(d) Retinitis pigmentosa

64. Cobble-stone conjunctiva is a feature of

(a) Viral conjunctivitis
(b) Spring catarrh
(c) Fungal conjunctivitis
(d) Tubercular conjunctivitis

65. In acute sinusitis, the sinus most often involved in children is

(a) Maxillary
(b) Sphenoid
(c) Ethmoid
(d) Frontal

Normally maxillary sinus is the most common sinus involved in sinusitis in an adult followed by ethmoid and frontal . but in children the ethmoid sinus is the most commonly involved sinus . read the exact lines taken from Nelson’s book of paediatrics 18th edition below :

Both the ethmoidal and maxillary sinuses are present at birth,
but only the ethmoidal sinuses are pneumatized .The
maxillary sinuses are not pneumatized until 4 yr of age. The sphenoidal
sinuses are present by 5 yr of age, whereas the frontal
sinuses begin development at age 7-8 yr and are not completely
developed until adolescence. The ostia draining the sinuses are
narrow (1-3 mm) and drain into the ostiomeatal complex in the
middle meatus.

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