Sunday, January 25, 2009

70 - AIPGE 2009 complete paper - part 1

1q: psammoma bodies are seen in all except ?


  1. follicular carcinoma of thyroid
  2. meningioma
  3. serous cystadenoma
  4. RCC


Answer: a . follicular carcinoma of thyroid .


2q: all are traumatic asphyxia except ?


  1. railway accident
  2. road traffic accident
  3. accidental strangulation
  4. stampede in crowd


answer: c . accidental strangulation .


3q: the vaccine having highest efficacy ?


  1. measles
  2. tetanus
  3. BCG
  4. Pertussis


Answer: b . tetanus .


4q: vaginal delivery is allowed in all except ?


  1. monochorionic monoamniotic twins
  2. first twin cephalic and second breech
  3. extended breech
  4. mentoanterior


answer: a. monochorionic monoamniotic twins .


5q: creamy and fishy odour vaginal discharge is seen in ?


  1. Chlamydia trachomatis
  2. Gardenerella vaginalis
  3. Trichomonas
  4. Candida


Answer: b . gardenerella vaginalis .


6q: superior gluteal nerve supplies all except ?


  1. gluteus maximus
  2. gluteus medius
  3. gluteus minimus
  4. tensor fascia lata


answer: a . gluteus maximus .


7q: in a person with subclinical folate deficiency , all of the following will precipitate folate deficiency except ?


  1. alcohol
  2. chloroquine
  3. phenytoin
  4. sulfasalazine


answer: b . chloroquine .


8q: marker for dysgerminoma ?


  1. beta HCG
  2. AFP
  3. Ca-19-9
  4. LDH


Answer: d . LDH .


9q: neural tube closure starts from ?


  1. cervical
  2. thoracic
  3. lumbar
  4. cranial


answer: cervical .


10q: chemoprophylaxis is not used in ?


  1. cholera
  2. typhoid
  3. meningococcal meningitis
  4. plague


answer: b . typhoid .

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