Sunday, January 10, 2010

331 - AIPGMEE 2010 Mcqs with answers - part 3

11q: TRISS stands for which of the following ?

answer: Trauma Injury Severity Scale.

12q: Which of the following stones are hard to break ?
a. struvite
b. Uric acid
c. Calcium oxalate monohydrate
d. Calcium oxalate dihydrate

*The results of ESWL depend on the size of the stone, stone burden, type of stone, and location. In general ESWL is used for stones less than 1 to 2 centimeters in size. Most stones fracture well with ESWL treatment. Hard stones such as calcium oxalate monohydrate and cystine stones are more difficult to break with ESWL and therefore often require percutaneous nephrostolithotomy. 
- The above lines are taken from here 

13q: Asha is selected at which level ?
a. Subcentre
b. Village
c. District
d. PHC

14q: What is the enzyme deficiency seen in Niemann-Pick's disease ?

answer: Sphingomyelinase.

15q: Hot water bottle relieves pain of abdominal spasms by 
1. cold receptors in skin
2. inhibiting adrenergic receptors
3. inhibiting cholinergic receptors
4. increasing the temp of peritoneal fluid


Anonymous said...

hot bottle application stimulates heat receptors trpv1 which blocks the ligand gated p2x like purnergic receptor on a cholinergic presynaptic nerve terminal

Anonymous said...

fibres lying within the area of oral cavity and the rectum are supplied by cholinergic fibres and fibres above oral and below rectum sullied by adrenergic system its becoz of cholinergic fibres ..

Anonymous said...

It is due to the activation of adrenergic fibers. This is possibly due to the Gate Mechanism of transmission of nerve impulses

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