Tuesday, February 10, 2009

84 - COMEDK PGET 2009 paper mcqs - 1

1.            diaphanous test is used to detect ?


a. pregnancy

b. stoppage of circulation

c. stoppage of  respiration

d. presence of blood


answer: C. stoppage of respiration .



2.            roth’s spots are seen


a.            hypertension

b.            septicemia

c.             diabetes mellitus

d.            central retinal occlusion


answer: b . septicemia .


3.            severe heat strain – heat stress index


a.            10 - 30

b.            40 - 60

c.             70 - 90

d.            100


Answer: B . 40 – 60 .


4. utriacarial lesions are best described as


a.            Non pruritic

b.            bullous

c.             evanescent

d.            macular


answer: C . evanescent .


5. which of the following vasculitis is most commonly associated with coronary artery aneurysm ?


a.            Kawasaki disease

b.            Giant cell arteritis

c.             wegener’s granulomatosis

d.            leukocytic vasculitis


answer: A . Kawasaki disease .


6.            myelodysplastic syndrome is associated with which chromosome ?


a.            2q

b.            5q

c.             8q

d.            11q


Answer: B . 5q .

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