Thursday, July 10, 2008

38 - random mcqs from various subjects 5

81q: mechanism of violence in burst fracture of spine

  1. compression violence
  2. flexion violence
  3. extension violence
  4. distraction violence

answer : a . compression violence .

82q: most common mode of treatment of a 1 year old child with asthma ?

  1. inhaled short acting beta 2 agonist with MDI
  2. oral short acting theophylline
  3. oral ketotifen
  4. inhaled short acting beta 2 agonist with spacer ,mask and MDI

answer : d . MDI stands for metered dose inhaler .

83q: the latest diodes used for phototherapy of neonates , which have the advantages of production of minimal heat, narrow luminous spectra in the blue green range with massive delivery of irradiance is ?

Answer : halogen quartz light emitting diode .

84q: which of the following has receptors intracellularly in muscle cells ?

  1. insulin
  2. corticosteroid
  3. epinephrine
  4. glucagon

answer : b . corticosteroid .

85q: ovarian cyst in a post partum patient . treatment is

  1. immediate removal
  2. after two weeks
  3. after 6 weeks
  4. after 3 months

answer : a . immediate removal .

86q: juvenile delinquency has an extra ______ chromosome?

  1. X chromosome
  2. Y chromosome
  3. XX chromosome
  4. YY chromosome

Answer : b . Y chromosome .

87q: when the hand is in a resting supine position , the radius is in articulation at the radiocarpal joint with which of the following bones ?

  1. triquetrum and trapezium
  2. lunate and trapezium
  3. scaphoid and lunate
  4. scaphoid and hamate

answer : c . scaphoid and lunate .

88q: an indirect inguinal hernia occurs

  1. lateral to the inferior epigastric artery
  2. between the inferior epigastric and obliterated umbilical arteries
  3. medial to the obliterated umbilical artery
  4. between the median and medial umbilical folds

answer : a . lateral to the inferior epigastric artery .

89q: vision 2020 does not include ?

  1. cataract
  2. trachoma
  3. onchoceriasis
  4. epidemic conjunctivitis

answer : d . epidemic conjunctivitis .

90q: hypoxia stimulates glycolysis by which regulating pathways ?

Answer : oxygen inhibits hexokinase .

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