Thursday, July 10, 2008

35 - random mcqs on various subjects 2

21q: hemorrhage secondary to heparin administration can be corrected by administration of

  1. vitamin k
  2. whole blood
  3. protamine
  4. ascorbic acid

answer : c . protamine .

22q: all of the following are selective beta blockers except

  1. atenolol
  2. esmolol
  3. bisprolol
  4. celiprolol

answer : d .

23q: codex alimentarius is the food standard at ?

  1. state level
  2. regional level
  3. national level
  4. international level

answer : d . international level.

24q: juvenile means

Answer : a boy who has not attained 16 years of age and a girl who has not attained 18 years of age .

25q: aminoacid score is

Answer : a measure of concentration of each essential aminoacid in the test protein expressed as a percentage of that aminoacid in the reference protein .

26q: what is TESA ?

Answer : testicular sperm aspiration .

27q: the limiting amino acid in wheat is ?

Answer : lysine and threonine .

28q: a 25 year old woman with recurrent episodes of headaches,sweating and hypertension is noted to have elevated vanilylmandelic acid ( VMA ) and metanephrines. CT scan reveals no abnormalities in either adrenal gland . which of the following is the most probable location of the pheochromocytoma ?

  1. bladder
  2. bifurcation of aorta
  3. paravertebral ganglia
  4. carotid body

answer : b . bifurcation of aorta .

29q: which one of the following is a permanent spatial group ?

  1. crowd
  2. mob
  3. herd
  4. band

answer : d . band .

30q: a five year old boy has multiple asymptomatic oval and circular faintly hypopigmented macules with fine scaling on his face. The most probable clinical diagnosis ?

  1. ptyriasis versicolor
  2. indeterminate leprosy
  3. ptyriasis alba
  4. acrofacial vitiligo

answer : c . ptyriasis alba .

31q: the composition of MALA – N and MALA – D

Answer : norgestrol 0.3 mg and ethinyl estradiol 0.03 mg

32q: MIRENA is a T shaped IUCD which releases ______ micrograms of _______?

Answer : 20 micrograms of levonorgestrel .

33q: delirium tremens is characterized by confusion associated with

  1. autonomic hyperactivity and tremors
  2. trichotillomania
  3. kleptomania
  4. capgras syndrome

answer : a . autonomic hyperactivity and tremors . due to alcohol withdrawal and other causes .

34q: an anaesthetist orders an attendant to bring the oxygen cylinder . he will ask the attendant to identify the correct cylinder by following which color code ?

Answer : black cylinder with white shoulders .

35q: extensive pleural thickening and calcification especially involving the diaphragmatic pleura are classical features of

  1. coal workers pneumoconises
  2. asbestosis
  3. silicosis
  4. siderosis

answer : b . asbestosis .

36q: a positive tuberculin test , with a firm 15 mm diameter dark red firm area of induration on the forearm appears 60 hrs following injection of the PPD . this finding is most likely to be a consequence of which of the following types of hypersensitivity reaction ?

  1. type 1 hypersensitivity
  2. type 2 hypersensitivity
  3. type 3 hypersensitivity
  4. type 4 hypersensitivity

answer : d . type 4 .

37q : which of the following does not handle free radicals in lens?

  1. vitamin A
  2. vitamin C
  3. vitamin E
  4. catalase

answer : a . Vitamin A .

38q: hyaluronic acid is found in

  1. vitreous humor
  2. synovial fluid
  3. cartilage
  4. cornea

answer : a . vitreous humor .

39q: which of the following is true of judicial hanging

  1. knot is present behind the neck
  2. knot is at the side of the neck
  3. ligature always presents below the chin
  4. choice of hangman

answer : c .

40q: a person presents with acute poisoning , with clinical picture of chills and rigors similar to malaria. Which is the most likely poisoning ?

  1. mercury
  2. zinc
  3. red phosphorus
  4. arsenic

answer : b . zinc .

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