Sunday, March 11, 2012

477 - APPG 2012 COMPLETE PAPER WITH ANSWERS - Opthalmology Mcqs

11.Cyclitic membrane gives rise to
a.Exudative retinal detachment
b.Rhegmatogenosu retinal detachment
c.Solid retinal detachment
d.Tractional retinal detachment

Here is a list of all the causes for all the types of retinal detachment.

12.Munsen sign is seen in cases of
d.Anterior staphyloma

13.The following bacterium is capable of invading the normal cornea through an intact epithelium
a.Staphylococcus aureus
c.Streptococcus pneumoniae

14.A single dose treatment with which one of the following antibacterial drugs is effective in trachoma

15.Band shaped keratopathy is treated with
a.Propamidine isethionate
b.EDTA (Ethylenediamine tetra acetic acid)
c.Polyhexamethyl biguanide

16.Exposure keratopathy is seen in cases of paralysis of
a.Oculomotor nerve
b.Trigeminal nerve
c.Abducens nerve
d.Facial nerve

17.One of the following is tried to prevent recurrence of pterygium after removal
a.Mitomycin drops
d.Amphotericin B

18.Photophthalmia is caused by
a.Infra red rays
b.Ultra voilet rays
c.X rays
d.Beta radiation

19.Wernicke hemianopic pupillary response is seen with a lesion at the
a.Optic chiasma
b.Optic tract
c.Lateral geniculate body
d.Optic radiation

20.One of the following is not true for the ciliary body
a.Extends just 10mm from the corneoscleral junction
b.Produces aqueous humor
c.Is responsible for accomodation
d.Consists of the pars plicata and pars plana


Anonymous said...

-Band shaped keratopathy is treated with:EDTA (Ethylenediamine tetra acetic acid)
-Wernicke hemianopic pupillary response is seen with a lesion at the:Optic tract
-One of the following is not true for the ciliary body:Extends just 10mm from the corneoscleral junction
-One of the following is tried to prevent recurrence of pterygium after removal:Mitomycin drops
-A single dose treatment with which one of the following antibacterial drugs is effective in trachoma:Azithromycin

Anonymous said...

I think 16th ans is ---facial nerve.
Exposure keratopathy is seen in paralysis of orbicularis muscle supppied by 7th nerve.

Anonymous said...

I think 16th ans is ---facial nerve.
Exposure keratopathy is seen in paralysis of orbicularis muscle supppied by 7th nerve.

dnesh22 said...

plz post the whole paper..plzzz

Anonymous said...

16th answer is facial nerve

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